Progressive Web Apps: Fire Up Your Sales Force

Last Modified: May 10, 2019

If you haven’t used a progressive web application (PWA), get ready — you soon will. Used for tasks such as online ordering, infield calculators, and sales and productivity tools, PWAs are changing the way we leverage mobile computing in our work interactions.

PWAs are exploding onto the mobile scene for a reason. They are basically responsive websites that are fast, can support cached content for use beyond connectivity limitations and, unlike native apps, updates can happen as often as needed. Pricing sheet updates and calculations can be pushed to a device instantly (connectivity permitting) rather than having to go through the red tape of an app store update on every platform that may house your app. In addition, PWAs can fully utilize the technology of the device just like native apps. Notifications, gyroscope, mic/speakers and camera access all aid in bringing that app-like user experience.

Google has outlined 3 criteria that PWAs must have

Reliability – Load instantly, on all network speeds, with the ability to work offline and out of range of connectivity.

Speed – Quickly respond to user interaction with smooth animations and no janky scrolling.

Engagement – Native app user experience that keeps the user engaged.

Why do YOU need a PWA?

  1. Productivity
    Representatives in the field meet with countless customers. In this scenario, a rep meets with a customer, takes notes the product requested by the customer, then returns to their office to write up a quote based on variable pricing and lead times. With a PWA, all of this can be done instantly in the field, including emailing a PDF — even without internet access. Pricing updates can be pushed whenever the rep is within connectivity reach, and emails of quotes can be queued to send in the same manner.
  2. Efficiency
    Being able to use a tool to handle this kind of scenario cuts out a huge amount of double hours. A rep spends 2 hours with a customer, then a further 2 hours redoing everything that was done with the customer back at the office. Halving the workload means more sales and more time to focus on growth versus paperwork.
  3. Price (ROI)
    Native apps range from $70K – $200K depending on complexity. The work has to be done twice — once for Apple devices and again for Android, due to different programming languages. As we mentioned before, updates are not easy to push to these apps when time is of the essence, which it often is when we are talking about pricing. PWAs cost a fraction of that; this alone makes the ROI really worth it. They enable you to arm your sales force with a tool to aid growth for minimal investment.

Comparing the pros and cons

The age of the PWA is here

Using PWAs to increase productivity and efficiency in the field may seem like a step too far into the future. But the benefits are already here. PWAs are a simple and cost-effective way to bolster the hard work your team is already doing. If you haven’t thought about PWAs, or even have never heard of them, perhaps it’s time to explore this latest way you can increase profitability in your organization.

Published: May 10, 2019